News Reel
Emerald Documentary Series Season 5 - Empowering Communities: Bow Valley's Journey to Green Energy Future
Uncover Bow Valley Green Energy Coops philosophy of inclusivity and find out how you can contribute to the green revolution.
Green Energy Futures, Episode 362. Bow Valley Green Energy Cooperative Rocking It
The Bow Valley Renewable Energy Cooperative was incorporated in May 2020 and in just over a year had signed their first power purchase agreement and installed their first solar system.
This is lightning fast for a renewable energy cooperative in Canada.
B'nai Tikvah Switch-on and Chanukah Celebration!
Join Temple B’nai Tikvah and the Bow Valley Green Energy Cooperative as we inaugurate the Temples’ new solar panel array and BVGEC’s fourth installation by powering an electric menorah and hosting Chanukah fun for the whole family.
Prospective Host Engagement Forum - Calgary
Join us on Oct 19th, 2023 & explore exciting opportunities to partner with BVGEC & power Alberta's renewable energy future!
Renewable Energy Investment Open House - Calgary
Join us on Oct 12th, 2023, & explore exciting opportunities to diversify your investment portfolio & lead Alberta's renewable energy future!
Investor & Funding Strategy Development RFP - Open for Submissions!
BVGEC is seeking RFP submissions from proponents to support the development of our Investor & Funding Strategies.
IRP Funding for Local Social Impact
During the winter of 2022-2023, Banff Canmore Community Foundation (BCCF) helped to deliver the Investment Readiness Program (IRP) for the province of Alberta. We are pleased to announce three local Bow Valley projects that have received funding through IRP.
Synagogues are ditching the paper plates and installing solar panels as they make environmentally conscious choices
Calgary’s Temple B’nai Tikvah will have solar panels installed on the roof of the synagogue later this year, which should provide enough green energy to fill more than 30 per cent of the building’s needs.
Solar Show shines a light on renewable energy
The 2023 Solar Alberta Solar Show runs this Feb. 6 to 10 at a computer near you…Jodi Conuel of the Bow Valley Green Energy Cooperative will give a free talk Feb. 9 on community generation in Alberta at the conference.
Seeing Green: How the Bow Valley Green Energy Cooperative Empowers Sustainable Community Investment
Green energy is particularly important in Alberta, as the province is among the provinces most reliant on electricity generation through fossil fuels – and it’s Bow Valley Green Energy Cooperative that has taken the task of community-based solar power into its own hands.
Get Involved in the Rocky Mountain Community Energy Project
Bow Valley Green Energy Co-operative is branching out and has developed an opportunity to become an energy marketer, energy services are now provided under the tradename Rocky Mountain Community Energy.
Bow Valley Green Energy Coop Leads the Transition
Momentum is strong for the Bow Valley Green Energy Cooperative (BVGEC) these days. With a team of smart and dedicated volunteers who are taking good ideas and turning them into action, the Coop is building on great progress in 2021 with big plans for 2022.
A Great Team Making Great Decisions - Ralph Connor Memorial United Church
RCMUC’s Faithful Footprints story is one of how congregants’ connections and working together as a team led to incredible energy savings and conservation within their church building.
The Bow Valley Green Energy Cooperative is all About Active Transformation
The problem of climate change seems insurmountable, but organizations like BVGEC prove that fast community-led, effective, socially minded action can be achieved.
Alberta green-power co-op sees the light at a church in Canmore
BVGEC is preparing to build a small solar project at a local church that will offset approximately eight tonnes of greenhouse gases a year. The Globe and Mail.
Spotlight on IRP Recipients: Biosphere Institute of the Bow Valley
Bow Valley Green Energy’s ultimate vision is to make renewable energy affordable and accessible. In the future, they hope they can feed some of their own money back into the community.
Green energy cooperative ready to launch in the Bow Valley
A grassroots green cooperative giving Bow Valley residents the opportunity to invest in community-generated renewable energy projects is launching soon. Rocky Mountain Outlook
Use community power, Grassroot investment to fuel green recovery, energy co-ops urge
BVGEC is one of the renewable energy co-ops calling on the federal government to emphasize community power procurement, in economic stimulus funding. The Energy Mix.
Biosphere Shares Community Solar Project Results
The Biosphere Institute of the Bow Valley released the results of a feasibility study for a community-owned solar project which started in early 2019 at artsPlace on February 11. Crag & Canyon
Biosphere Institute Explores Community Solar Project
A new community project aiming to reduce Canmore’s environmental footprint is searching for rooftops for rent to potentially house solar panels. Rocky Mountain Outlook